Monday, February 29, 2016

Adolescent Literacy in the Era of the Common Core

I found the implementation of reading, writing, and presentation skills into the major content areas of the common core standards great as well as the stance that this article presents on this change. And this is not only because I am an English major.  Like the article addresses, I think that it is somewhat common sense that ELA should be incorporated into all subject areas.  I believe that this provides a more interactive approach to the curriculums as well as prepare the students for their academic and professional careers. Although some teachers may find it difficult to incorporate additional standards on top of the standards that they already have for their subject, it is evident that the two standards overlap and can be completed simultaneously.  This will also allow the students to better grasp the subject matter.
I enjoy the way that this article incorporates the growth mindset and the zone of proximal development into these core standards.  It always worries me when standards are set on a classroom because it gives the teacher little freedom to adapt their lessons in the way that they believe best fits their students.  However, the authors of this article point out how the Common Core Standards are just vague enough to ensure that this does not happen while still giving the teachers and students and end goal to strive for.  Although I have not read all of the Common Core Standards, it worries me when they discuss which specific vocabulary words students need to learn as well as which topics they need to discuss.  I think that this reduces the individualization of the curriculum which is a necessary component in education.  Overall, I enjoyed this article and I think that it gave me good insight about the Common Core and the positive role it is playing in schools.


  1. I was thinking about the vocabulary lists, too. But I loved the idea of knowing "which words to teach explicitly, which to merely mention, or even which to skip". Sometimes it can be daunting to have too many choices.

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